One of the most effective ways to promote student engagement is to provide opportunities for positive interactions – both personal and content-related – so that students feel like part of a community.

In online classes, student satisfaction is correlated with higher levels of peer interaction and instructor presence [1]. In online courses or large lectures, it can be hard for a student to feel like they are recognized as an individual; however, by providing regular and respectful interaction with instructors and classmates, students will have more resources for help and feel connected to the course.

  • Connecting with Students: Explore the what, how, and why of creating learning environments where students feel welcomed and included.
  • Faculty Interaction: Gain confidence in best practices for making the most of your interactions with students and maximizing your impact as an instructor.

References and Additional Resources

[1] Baker, C (2010) The impact of instructor immediacy and presence for online student affective learning, cognition, and motivation.