Know & Understand AI: A Shared Definition for UF

By Margeaux Johnson
📅 September 16, 2024
🕑 Read time: 5 minute(s)
Know & Understand AI: A Shared Definition for UF

The AI2 Center, in collaboration with a diverse group of faculty, has established a common definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the University of Florida community. This definition is intended to guide academic initiatives as we build an AI University together. The new Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) outlines a model for AI literacy and five distinct AI course designations to enhance our curriculum. The plan also includes AI teaching strategies.

In the engaging What is AI?   video, Dr. Joel Davis offers a clear explanation of Artificial Intelligence, describing it as “a machine’s ability to perform cognitive functions that we would typically associate with an intelligent being.” He adds an important caveat, emphasizing that AI’s perception, learning, and interactions differ significantly from human intelligence. As Dr. Davis points out, “computers think, and should think, differently than human beings.”

Artificial Intelligence is an umbrella term encompassing numerous subfields. Of particular interest at the moment is the rapid development of Generative AI, which has sparked the imagination of faculty in higher education due to its transformative potential in the classroom. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini owe their existence to advancements in Deep Learning, which is a subfield of Machine Learning.

Understanding the fundamentals of AI empowers students, faculty, and staff to make informed decisions about how to integrate this technology into their daily lives. By demystifying AI, faculty are better equipped to design engaging learning activities that incorporate AI across various disciplines at UF.

If you’re seeking innovative ways to integrate AI into your course assignments or are interested in developing new AI-focused courses within your department or program, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Center for Instructional Technology & Training (CITT)! If you are looking for teaching inspiration, visit our CITT Artificial Intelligence Showcase

Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Curriculum, Teaching, Technology