Congratulations on finishing out the semester! I know we are all exhausted from what has been anything but a typical semester. Even though a break is right around the corner, there are some more preparations that you may need to finish before the break to set yourself up for success for the start of the Spring 2021 semester.
Despite the additional week included in the winter break this year, there is still a limited time to close out the Fall semester and transition to Spring.
Some items to consider are:
When looking at the courses that you will teach in the Spring semester, determine if any of your course content needs to be updated extensively, or if all tweaks are minor. Start with any content that needs more thought or time to update, we would recommend making these edits earlier rather than later. If content requires changes for accessibility, then enroll and browse available resources in our Accessibility Fundamentals workshop.
After the break, all support units are all hands-on-deck, but usually for a good reason. Most instructors will reach out for assistance after the break, meaning wait times or delays in receiving help may be greater than they are before the break. A few support resources are listed at the end of this bulletin.
Get access to the classroom that you will be using in Spring, or a classroom with similar technology. As Spring is shaping up to be a different semester than any other so far, trying to become familiar with the classroom technology that you will be using throughout the semester will be extremely helpful. Even though you may still experience technical difficulties, becoming more familiar with the technology before your first class will help you feel more comfortable about different strategies you can use within your classroom. Visit Preparing for Spring to learn more and schedule a classroom support consultation.
If you find that you have any questions about preparing for the Spring semester, or if you need any assistance, below are some helpful support contacts.
Tags: Canvas, Course Design, CTE, Educational Technology, Pedagogy, Technology, UFIT