Getting Educational Technology Tools Reviewed for Use in Courses

By Sean Ochal
📅 August 30, 2024
🕑 Read time: 2 minute(s)
Getting Educational Technology Tools Reviewed for Use in Courses

Have you discovered an educational technology tool that you want to use in your course, but aren’t sure how to get started? Well, UFIT has you covered!

Whether integrated into Canvas or not, all tools need be reviewed and tested to ensure they meet university policies, work as expected, and are affordable, accessible, and secure. To see if your tool has already been reviewed and is approved for use, check out our list of available tools or UF’s Fast Path Solutions.

If it’s not listed, submit a request to initiate the review process which is done by staff in e-Learning Support, Integrated Risk Management, and the Center for Instructional Technology and Training (CITT). The evaluation could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the vendor’s response and complexity of the tool, so please submit your request by the following deadlines:

  • For Summer A/B/C = January 1
  • For Fall = March 15
  • For Spring = August 15

Once our assessment is complete, we’ll contact you with the outcome, turn the tool on in Canvas if it’s an approved integration, and identify support to make sure you can access and use the tool properly.

If you have any questions about the process or aren’t sure how best to use the tool in your course, you can always request a consultation with one of our tool specialists in the CITT and we’d be happy to connect with you.

For more information about available tools, the process, and more, visit our Teaching and Learning Tools website. We look forward to seeing what tools you’re working with to enhance teaching and learning at UF!

TagsAccessibilityCanvas, Education TechnologyInstructional DesignOnline Teaching, ToolsUFIT