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A woman named Dr. Sanethia Thomas, Assistant Instructional Professor, being quoted saying

AI at UF: Dr. Sanethia Thomas

AI can empower students to solve real-world problems for the international community as part of a “service abroad” program.
Complexity, Intermediate, Topics, Build and Develop AI, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Project-based Learning, Topics, Solve Real World Problems, Subject Area, Interdisciplinary, Subject Area, STEM
August 2024
image of Dr. Kaitlin Alexander quoted as saying

AI at UF: Dr. Kaitlin Alexander

AI can be a powerful partner to teach critical evaluation and problem-solving skills for clinical students.
Complexity, Simple, Topics, AI Literacy, Topics, Engage Students, Subject Area, Health Sciences
August 2024
Diego Alvarado, Instructional Assistant Professor, being quoted saying

AI at UF: Diego Alvarado

Diego Alvarado believes that AI is for everybody and challenges his students to build and apply it in real world scenarios.
Complexity, Complex, Topics, AI Literacy, Topics, AI Ethics, Topics, AI Chatbots, Topics, AI for Large Enrollment, Topics, Build and Develop AI, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Explore AI Hands-on, Topics, Project-based Learning, Topics, Solve Real World Problems, Subject Area, Interdisciplinary, Subject Area, STEM
August 2024
Dr. Garrett Beatty, Instructional Associate Professor, quoted as saying

AI at UF: Dr. Garrett Beatty

AI across the curriculum at UF requires a bold attitude and willingness to explore possibilities. Let’s be interested! Let’s be curious!
Complexity, Intermediate, Topics, AI Chatbots, Topics, Project-based Learning, Topics, Solve Real World Problems, Subject Area, Health Sciences, Subject Area, Humanities & Social Sciences
August 2024
Dr. Emma Mickey Mackie, Assistant Professor, being quoted saying

AI at UF: Dr. Mickey MacKie

Dr. Emma “Mickey” MacKie layers the foundations of climate change with the foundations of AI in her Quest 2 course.
Complexity, Intermediate, Topics, AI Literacy, Topics, AI Ethics, Topics, Build and Develop AI, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Explore AI Hands-on, Topics, Solve Real World Problems, Subject Area, Humanities & Social Sciences, Subject Area, Interdisciplinary, Subject Area, STEM
August 2024
Dr. Guogu Fang, Associate Professor, being quoted saying

AI at UF: Dr. Ruogu Fang

Dr. Ruogu Fang prepares students in her Medical AI course for a world where AI literacy is essential in the medical field.
Complexity, Complex, Topics, AI Literacy, Topics, Build and Develop AI, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Explore AI Hands-on, Topics, Solve Real World Problems, Subject Area, Health Sciences, Subject Area, STEM
August 2024
Joel Davis poses mid-instruction with the words 'AI Across the Curriculum

What is AI? with Dr. Joel Davis

What is AI? Dr. Davis shares a common definition for the UF community.
Complexity, Simple, Topics, AI Literacy, Subject Area, Business
August 2024
a pose of Matt Gitzendanner mid-instruction with the words 'AI Across the Curriculum' on the picture

AI at UF: Dr. Gitzendanner

AI empowers future scientists to solve real-world problems.
Complexity, Complex, Topics, Build and Develop AI, Topics, Explore AI Hands-on, Topics, Instructor Time-savers, Topics, Solve Real World Problems, Subject Area, STEM
August 2024
Boroui Zhang & Anthony Botelho pose with the words 'AI Across the Curriculum' in the background

AI at UF: Zhang and Botelho

Drs. Zhang and Botelho’s collaboration on an interdisciplinary Quest II course was an educational experience for them and their students.
Complexity, Intermediate, Topics, AI Literacy, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Explore AI Hands-on, Subject Area, Education, Subject Area, Interdisciplinary, Subject Area, STEM
August 2024
Andrea Ramirez Salgado holds a circuit board and the words 'AI Across the Curriculum' are behind her

AI at UF: Dr. Ramirez Salgado

Problem-solving through experimentation and creative application is a meaningful way to learn about AI.
Complexity, Complex, Topics, Build and Develop AI, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Explore AI Hands-on, Topics, Project-based Learning, Topics, Solve Real World Problems, Subject Area, Education, Subject Area, STEM
August 2024
a photo Matt Gitzendanner while he lectures, and text on the image quotes him saying

AI Across the Curriculum: Matt Gitzendanner

Frontiers of AI inspires UF students to become AI researchers of the future!
Complexity, Simple, Topics, Engage Students, Subject Area, STEM
September 2024
Dr. Mackie gestures while the text on the image quotes her as saying,

AI-CURE: Dr. MacKie

UF students make real impacts through AI undergraduate research experiences!
Complexity, Complex, Topics, Build and Develop AI, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Explore AI Hands-on, Topics, Project-based Learning, Topics, Solve Real World Problems, Subject Area, STEM
September 2024
a portrait of Dr. Emma

AI at UF: AI in Geosciences

Future scientists apply AI to answer real-world questions in geosciences.
Complexity, Complex, Topics, Build and Develop AI, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Explore AI Hands-on, Topics, Project-based Learning, Topics, Solve Real World Problems, Subject Area, STEM
September 2024
Dr. Walter Balser gesters with his hands while speaking. The words on the image quote him saying 'inspire students and graduates to think about the schools of today and tomorrow'.

AI at UF: Dr. Balser

It is possible to use AI to augment learning activities and create even more engaging lessons.
Complexity, Simple, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Instructor Time-savers, Subject Area, Education
September 2024

AI Across the Curriculum: Megan Mocko

AI can help simulate data sets to engage learners around interesting topics that connect to real-world problems.
Complexity, Simple, Topics, AI for Large Enrollment, Topics, Instructor Time-savers, Topics, Solve Real World Problems, Subject Area, Business, Subject Area, STEM
September 2024
portrait of Stacey Ann and Melanie with the headline

AI Across the Curriculum: Stacey Ann Benjamin and Melanie Veige

AI gave two chemistry instructors a more comprehensive understanding of their students’ learning needs in a large enrollment course.
Complexity, Simple, Topics, AI for Large Enrollment, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Instructor Time-savers, Subject Area, STEM
September 2024
portrait of Sanethia Thomas with the words

AI Across the Curriculum: Sanethia Thomas

A computer science engineering professor sparked interest in her course through rapid prototyping during an AI hackathon.
Complexity, Complex, Topics, Build and Develop AI, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Explore AI Hands-on, Topics, Project-based Learning, Topics, Solve Real World Problems, Subject Area, Interdisciplinary, Subject Area, STEM
September 2024
Dr. Emily Bald and Dr. Eric Vallee pose next to a banner that says

Use & Apply AI: Dr. Bald and Dr. Vallee

AI can be a partner for self-reflection and empowerment that shortens critical feedback gaps for writing students.
Complexity, Simple, Topics, AI Literacy, Topics, AI Academic Integrity, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Explore AI Hands-on, Subject Area, Arts, Subject Area, Humanities & Social Sciences
November 2024
a portrait of Meredith Nappy with the banner saying

AI at UF: Meredith Nappy

Students use AI image generators to practice critical thinking skills and learn to see the world through a public health lens.
Complexity, Simple, Topics, AI Literacy, Topics, AI Ethics, Topics, AI Multimedia, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Explore AI Hands-on, Subject Area, Health Sciences
November 2024
Caleb Stair gestures while the banner beside him reads

Use AI at UF: Dr. Caleb Stair

Use AI as a roleplay partner to take on the opposing side of debates.
Complexity, Simple, Topics, AI Literacy, Topics, AI Chatbots, Topics, Engage Students, Subject Area, Arts, Subject Area, Education, Subject Area, Humanities & Social Sciences, Subject Area, STEM
November 2024
Kaitlin Alexander speaking with the words

Evaluate AI: Dr. Kaitlin Alexander

Critical evaluation of AI generated output is an important skill for health professionals to practice.
Complexity, Simple, Topics, AI Literacy, Topics, Engage Students, Subject Area, Arts, Subject Area, Health Sciences
November 2024
portrait of Dr. McNealy with the headline

AI at UF: Dr. McNealy

Relevant, current events can spark meaningful discourse about AI Ethics.
Complexity, Intermediate, Topics, AI Literacy, Topics, AI Ethics, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Solve Real World Problems, Subject Area, Humanities & Social Sciences, Subject Area, Interdisciplinary
December 2024
portrait of Dr. Hongwu with the headline

AI at UF: Dr. Wang

Undergraduate students in an AI and robotics course are using machine learning to solve accessibility challenges in their community.
Complexity, Complex, Topics, AI Chatbots, Topics, Build and Develop AI, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Explore AI Hands-on, Subject Area, Health Sciences, Subject Area, STEM
December 2024
portrait of Sanethia Thomas with the words

AI at UF: Dr. Sanethia Thomas

Expand what is possible in a semester by applying AI to real-world software projects.
Complexity, Intermediate, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Explore AI Hands-on, Topics, Project-based Learning, Topics, Solve Real World Problems, Subject Area, STEM
January 2025
portrait of Dr. Sanethia Thomas next to the headline

Enabling AI at UF: Dr. Sanethia Thomas

AI use in programming fundamentals enhances theoretical understanding and enables students to see multiple coding solutions.
Complexity, Simple, Topics, AI for Large Enrollment, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Explore AI Hands-on, Subject Area, STEM
January 2025
portrait of Dr. Soohyoun Ann standing next to the headline

AI at UF: Dr. Soohyoun Ahn

In large courses, AI-enabled tools, like Perusall, can increase student interaction with their peers.
Complexity, Simple, Topics, AI-enabled Tools, Topics, AI for Large Enrollment, Topics, Engage Students, Subject Area, STEM
February 2025
Portrait of Darius Brown standing next to the headline

AI at UF: Darius Brown

Darius Brown’s students use AI to help them conceptualize how changes in lighting or camera angle will impact their final video.
Complexity, Intermediate, Topics, AI Multimedia, Topics, Engage Students, Topics, Solve Real World Problems, Subject Area, Arts
February 2025
portrait of Taryrn Brown next to the headline

AI at UF: Dr. Taryrn Brown

AI is a tool for both students and teachers to support their voice and extend their creative capacity.
Complexity, Simple, Topics, AI Literacy, Topics, AI Ethics, Topics, AI Academic Integrity, Subject Area, Education
February 2025
Portrait of Sarah Doore next to the headline AI Across the Curriuclum

AI at UF: Sarah Doore

Meeting student needs for flexibility and life circumstances in a large course is hard, but AI can make it easier.
Complexity, Simple, Topics, AI for Large Enrollment, Topics, Instructor Time-savers, Subject Area, STEM
February 2025