Gradescope provides a bubble sheet template (up to 200 questions) to expedite workflows for paper-based exams with multiple-choice questions. Large classes with several hundred students often rely on multiple-choice question exams answered on a Scantron bubble sheet and processed, for a fee, with a special machine. With Gradescope, bubble sheets can be scanned by students with their smartphone or in bulk by the instructor using a basic, multi-sheet office scanner. Our assessment technology office is also available to facilitate secure scanning of exams.

Create Your Answer Key
Set point values and partial credit options for each question, adjust later as needed.

Scan Bubble Sheets
Batch student bubble sheets and Gradescope automatically separates then by test version.

Gradescope Grades Bubble Sheets
Bubble sheets are auto-graded according to your answer key. You confirm the marks.

Export Grades & Analytics
Send grades to your students or gradebook and view item analysis and other statistics.
Bubble Sheets Features
- Gradescope supports auto-grading of up to five different exam versions.
- Answer keys can be pre-defined (or adjusted ad hoc) to allow for multiple correct responses to a single question with full or partial credit awarded.
- Detailed statistics are available for bubble sheet assessments including, but not limited to:
- Exam Reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha)
- Exam Standard Deviation
- Item Point Biserial Coefficient (Discriminatory Score/Index)
- Item Distractor Analysis
- Integration with eLearning Canvas means it only takes one-click to post grades to the Gradebook, helping to decrease feedback wait times for students.