
Course Mapping Camp offers participants the opportunity to design a pedagogically sound blueprint for any course. During this two-day workshop, facilitators will teach participants to apply course design best practices to create or modify course goals and learning objectives, and align them with a variety of assessment types.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Create or modify course goals and learning objectives for their course to be measurable, specific, and learner-centered.
  • Align student content and assessments with course goals and objectives.
  • Define the overall structure for their course.
  • Learn how to approach content-development from a learning-centered perspective in order to build student knowledge, skills, and values
  • Utilize artificial intelligence to help with generating course goals and learning objectives as well to ensure alignment across all elements of your course.


This workshop alternates between being offered online and in-person.  

When offered online, Course Mapping Camp is held via Zoom and there are daily meetings between 9:00-11:00 and 2:00-3:00 each day. Participants should plan to use the time between morning and afternoon meetings to continue working on their course map on their own.  

When offered in-person, this workshop runs from 9:00-4:00 each day, with a 90-minute break for lunch each day. All materials to create a physical course map are provided. 

2024 Workshop Dates: 

  • April 25-26 (online)
  • June 27-28 (in person)
  • December 5-6 (online)

The workshop facilitators will email details about the schedule/attendance prior to the workshop start date. 

Register for the next offering of Course Mapping Camp

Additionally, the completion of this course counts towards the Passport to Great Teaching Program. To earn credit for the Passport Program, please submit a reflection for this course through the Passport Portal. If you do not have an account with the Portal you can register for an account here. If you need help navigating the Passport Portal, view the user guide.